you know what's off the hizzle? two posts in two days, that's what.
I entered the gym today just behind a young woman and two guys. they show their id's, and just as they head their separate ways, the girl looks back and says "peace out" while flashing a peace sign over her shoulder. for some reason I found this absolutely hilarious. I mean, who really says peace out? this is the campus gym, not the vibe awards. and isn't peace out really really old? now, I'll admit - things come slowly to wisconsin. we're just now hearing about something called "low-rise jeans". (just kidding. we've known about those for at least two months.) and this is where all co-opted urban slang goes to die. I knew things were bad when my mother-in-law mentioned bling bling. if they're saying it in Minnesota and Wisconsin, it's so far beyond over it's not even funny. but peace out? that's even over here. and she didn't say it like it was funny. nope, she said it like she says it all the time. no one wearing a delta gamma t-shirt and shorts with Wisconsin written across the ass should ever say "peace out" with a straight face. seacrest out, maybe, but not peace out.
this is your brain on drugsso, all you potsmokers, I just want to warn you about something. if you smoke way too much pot, at some point you will seem stoned all the time. this was the case with my yoga teacher today. whether or not she was actually stoned I cannot say, but she definitely seemed high. if you want to have a job, you should be careful about getting to the point where you seem perennially stoned. I mean, yoga teacher is actually kind of the perfect job, since you seem super relaxed. but if you actually want to make money I recommend not smoking so much that it sticks. I'm only telling you all this because I love you.
live the dreamas I was walking home from yoga today I say an older guy driving a big ol conversion van with the words "Geno's Dream" airbrushed across the front. Live that dream, Geno, live that dream. Just after the dream, I saw a balled up pair of women's underwear on the sidewalk. of course I was immediately obsessed with how they got there. was someone wearing wearing them and took them off there? did they fall out of their bag? did they fake their own abduction (
as if we didn't have enough problems with our reputation)? do they have anything to do with Geno and his dream? alas, we'll never know.
field tripalso on my way back today (it was a full day) I came across a field trip of kids. they're probably going the on-campus barn (shut up) or the ice cream place, or some other educational activity. but as this is my fourth job that is located on the field trip circuit, I wonder if I will ever have a job where I don't see groups of bratty kids all summer. I also wonder if I'll ever get too old (or organized) to eat breakfast on the way to the bus stop. It's been 25 years.
commentarythe last thing is that I was looking at my site and I saw that I had two comments on yesterday's post. I freaked out because my fear when I was writing yesterday was that some diehard pro-lifer would find this site and yell at me. this would be bad. but fortunately it was just my friend bee who told me she loves my blog and she misses me. bee rocks. I miss her too.