Yesterday I was on the bus (of course). A young woman gets on and in her hand she has a partially eaten bagel on a plate. The bus driver informs her that she can bring it on, but she can't eat it on the bus. The logic behind this is not immediately clear to me. So, I guess she either wasn't listening OR didn't remember, but she took a bite. The bus driver catches her in the rearview mirror (call me crazy, but shouldn't he be watching the road?) and says "Miss, now I let you bring that on here, but I told you NOT to eat it. Okay? So don't eat it." Um, okay. Now, the rule about coffee on the bus is that you can bring it on only if it has a secure top. This makes sense. But being able to bring food and not eat it? It makes no sense. And I hate rules that make no sense.
Last week I flew to Boston. Flying these days involves a lot of rules that make no sense. Like having to put your seat up. This time they actually woke me up to ask me to put my seat up. I was sitting in the last row where your seat reclines a grand total of about 1.5 inches, yet for my safety they had to interrupt my nap. And there's all the security rules. Some poor sap forgot to take his laptop out of his bag (he was a non-native English speaker so I guess those forty signs and announcements were lost on him). So the security guy says "Since you forgot to take this out of the bag, I am going to have to do some additional tests." Who knows what that means, but he is adamant that the guy canNOT touch his bad. No sir. And you'd better take off your shoes, even if you told them they won't set off the thing. But my favorite was the new display at our local airport of all the things you can't bring on board. What I find interesting is that instead of just pictures of knives, tools, etc, they have a display case filled with actual knives. Right there in the airport. So just in case you want to attack someone, but didn't think to bring your own contraband, don't worry! It's all there for the taking from a flimsy display case. Genius I tell you.