is it just me?

Friday, June 17, 2005


three funny things.

Today I witnessed three things I want to share with you.

1. Walking to the gym I pass a Lutheran Church. In the window they have a 70s looking poster that says "Nothing can thwart God's path for you." Really? Nothing? How about not believing in God? Does he still have a path for those people? Is it well marked? I don't go to church so I might miss out on the more subtle signs. I need some big signs that say "Your path - this way" or else it is almost sure to be thwarted. I am now determined to find the path, thwart it, and move on.

2. I saw a young woman driving a Jeep Wrangler. On the front it says "It's a Jeep thing...You wouldn't understand." Oh, I don't know about that. Try me.

3. At the gym there are two young women checking id's. As I hand one of them my card she says "Um...I think it's called blacking out." The other one says "It's not really blacking out, it's more like not paying attention. I mean, I kind of remember having a conversation with them, just not the details." Okay, I have blacked out only once in my life. (Actually, I was already in bed and someone called and I have no recollection of talking to them. I am not sure that counts. And, on a side note, I believe that if you make it to your bed before passing out you no longer have to call it passing out you can just call it sleeping. It's so much more dignified.) I don't pay attention all the time. And those two don't really seem like things that could be confused. Silly undergrads.

As a side note, number 3 resulted from me playing one of my favorite games. You eavesdrop, but on people who you are just passing by. I try very hard to listen for snippets of conversation of people walking by me. You'd be surprised how entertaining it is. Try it.

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