is it just me?

Monday, July 25, 2005


weekend in review

At what point do we decide that the world has enough stuff? Perhaps when they start making things like this. They were selling these at Menard's this weekend. Menard's is like a cheapy Home Depot. And is has sort of Wisconsin flair. If you want one of these things go to menard's because they were a lot cheaper. My question is: what's the microphone for? do people really want to sing along?

the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

This weekend my outlaws (aka my husband's parents) came to visit. His mom has this funny habit of asking a lot of questions that she already knows the answer to. It's what I imagine it's like to testify in court when you've been prepped. I know (from tv) that lawyers tell you what questions they're gonna ask you so you can practice and not say things you shouldn't. That's how I feel when I talk to her. But if someone asks you the same question enough times, you start to wonder if you aren't lying. And I wonder what would happen if I all of a sudden gave a different answer. Because if she knew I was lying she would have to admit that she'd asked that question before. It's almost as if she's trying to document something, and wants to be sure she has it right. It might also be like being questioned by the police. But since she is neither a policewoman or a lawyer I have no idea why she does it unless she actually is trying to bore me to death.

it's raining men

Last night a guy I know had a party to raise money for a charity bike ride that he's having. He knows some people that work at a local bar and arranged to have them donate the space for his party. Apparently prior to the party there were some friends of his that didn't know he was gay. Approximately 1.5 hours into the party anyone who did not know that was really not paying attention. The bar was filled with well coiffed boys. There were tons of boys and then about five straight couples gathered in one corner. Gay men have a way of making straight people look bad. Or maybe it was just that the gay men were new york and the straight people are all wisconsin. I don't know why, we just look boring and frumpy. Though I am pleased to report that more than one boy thought my husband was gay. I actually would have felt sad if none of them did. It also kind of made me want to hang out at gay bars, though I think I would go alone. Or with only women. Gay bar + straight guy = bad combination.

have you seen this show? It's good. I had seen a few episodes on tv but I never quite figured out what time it was on and I can't ever remember what channel FX is. But then my sister lent me the entire first season dvd. I have decided that tv shows on dvd are a) genius and b) like crack. It's so addictive. You can just sit and watch for hours. And it's much better than having to remember silly things like what day it is, or what time something comes on. You can just sit and watch commercial-free indefinitely. It's so great. But the only bad thing about watching hours upon hours of nip/tuck is that the people in that show are really screwed up. and after a while it gets depressing. everyone is cheating on everyone and they are all still miserable and want plastic surgery. yet I still want more. There are only two more episodes left on the dvd. I went online and found out htat season 2 will be available at the end of august but I can pre-order from amazon. But that would mean admitting I have a problem.

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