is it just me?

Thursday, July 07, 2005


women and men

yesterday I was in line at a campus deli. the man in front of me was wearing women's clothing. business clothing. A black pencil skirt, some knee high black boots with chunky heels (okay, not really businessy but still), and turquoise shirt. the odd part was that despite his outfit he was not trying to pass himself off as a woman. He had a normal, short, conservative, generic guy haircut. Generic guy glasses. No wig. No makeup. No manicure. He carried a woman's purse (a big one like your mom has), a woman's wallet. I found it baffling. I sort of think of cross dressers wanting to look foxy, but maybe I am confusing them with transvestites. I can't imagine why a man would want to wear boring, frumpy, ill fitting Sears business attire. And I would say perhaps he just finds skirts liberating, but then how do you explain the shoes? Those aren't comfortable. So if it is not comfort and it's not looks, he must just really enjoy dressing like a woman.

Where is this guy on the spectrum? I feel like he doesn't really want to be a woman. But clearly he doesn't just want to be a regular man in regular man clothes. My friend decided he's just an out of the closet cross dresser. I guess. But let me tell you - it's weird. The lady working the counter couldn't even look at him as he counted out his seven dollars. Oh, and he eats like a woman. A turkey sandwich and Baked Cheetos, some trail mix and a diet soda. That's lady food. Part of me wanted to know more about him, and part of me felt as though I knew too much already.

While we're on men and women, I would like to say that I recently tried a product that is definitely for men. It's those wet wipes that you're supposed to use instead of toilet paper. I went to a party at a single guy's house, and he had run out of toilet paper and only had those. This would only ever happen to a single guy. Given no good alternative, I decided to try them. My one word review: ew. First of all, I am most often using toilet paper as a way to dry off. This product definitely does not achieve that goal. Secondly, in the case where I am trying to get clean, at this point I have pretty much mastered doing it with dry paper. I understand that, for whatever reason, men have more problems in this area so perhaps they are fond of the wet wipes. Perhaps the association with changing diapers is just too strong. In any case, I will not be purchasing any for my home.

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