There are few things as funny as listening to snippets of college students' cell phone conversations. The amount of unnecessary communication that goes on each day thanks to cell phones is truly mind boggling. I heard the subject of this post not once but TWICE today in a ten minute walk across campus. I think parents must secretly love cell phones though because kids call home a lot more just because they are bored and walking and have a phone handy. So I guess it's good for something.
tightI was walking behind a girl today wearing a sweathshirt that said "Our game is as tight as our spandex". I guessed (correctly) that this was a high school volleyball team item. Of course, once you are in college the days of silly team slogans are done. Now you're cool because you are a college athlete. But in high school, apparently, this is still popular. Now, I went to high school in the days of 'co-ed naked' whatever. So the swim team had one that said "The harder we stroke it the faster we come." Classy. Just what you want your 17 year old wearing to school. But I must admit the one I saw today did make me a bit nostalgic. And while you may wish that your game was tighter than your spandex, at least your spandex isn't tighter than your game. Whatever that means.
oglingSo, I think all women know that men spend a lot of time checking out women. But we must give credit to men since many of them have learned to do this without being hopelessly obvious. Now, more of them have learned to do it without the oglee noticing, and fewer can actually do it without anyone noticing. But just in case we forgot how much men do this, occasionally you will come across one who makes absolutely no attempt to hide it whatsoever. And then you remember. Somewhere, there is a man doing that all the time. Yesteday I saw a guy who was more than a few cards shy of a full deck. And he was just sitting by the sidewalk, watching the ladies go by. No shame. A once over, a twice over if your skirt was short enough. I think I even saw him drool. A while ago in a mall I saw a guy pretend to throw something away three separate times just so he could try to get a bird's eye view of a piece of jailbait's thong/low rise pant combination. I could give guys the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are not all oglers, but instead I will go with the "ogling-but-good-at-hiding-it" theory. Just remember that, ladies, the next time you bend over to tie your shoe and think no one's watching.