is it just me?

Friday, October 14, 2005


the worst ever

So yesterday I read on that someone had put together a system where they rank every player in the NBA from best to worst. In the article, they listed the ten best which is, if you pay any attention to the NBA and maybe even if you don't, all people you have heard of and would expect. They also listed the ten worst players. So, I guess you're happy to be playing basketball for money even if you suck, but it's still gotta sting a little to see your name at the top of the list of the ten worst players in the NBA. And it's not just guys who never play. These are guys who played at least 500 minutes, and basically did about as well as you or I would expect to (unless of course YOU are actually good at basketball). Is it better to be the worst player in the NBA or the best player not in the NBA? Hard to say.

I read today in E Online that Blossom had a baby. She's one of those people that I sort of forget has a real name, though unfortunately for her it is Mayim Bialik. Anyway, I haven't seen her since that show went off the air. She's 29 now and has a Ph.D. in neuroscience. I am not even kidding. Maybe she and Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar) from The Wonder Years could form a club of former child actresses who now have Ph.D.s in something hard and will probably always be known for their one character. If you know of any other potential members for the club please let me know. Anyway, I totally wanted to be Winnie but unfortunately for me I look more like Blossom. In fact in college some fraternity had a TV party and you were supposed to go as a tv character. I went as Blossom. Everyone got it. Unfortunately, there I was dressed as a dork and everyone else came as "an extra" because they were too cool to actually wear a costume. Except for this one guy who looked exactly like David Silver. excellent.

On that same topic, that is why I hate Halloween. People want to dress up so but they still want to look cool. In college this usually means (for girls) you just dress slutty. The Onion had a great graphic on this a few years ago where the top three costumes were 1. slutty nurse 2. slutty witch 3. slutty cat (or something like that). But I don't really think it's fun to dress slutty. I can't really pull it off. So then I don't wear a costume but everyone says "why no costume?" so then I wear a costume but it's a real costume and everyone else is basically just wearing different kinds of clothes. I hate it. My friend has a funny jumpsuit that was her grandma's. It's a one piece outfit (which is automatically funny) and it's blue. She wears it every Halloween. But it's not a costume. It's just clothes. Maybe I just need a jumpsuit. That way I don't have to feel like a dork. Maybe I just need to stay home and wait for the cute kids in their costumes. Halloween is for kids. Just like Trix.

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