Well, I feel sad that Jason Mulgrew, who sends me all three of my readers, beat me to posting
this, but just in case you didn't look at it over there, check it out. My husband wondered if they guy broke his hand a) beating up someone who said the Backstreet Boys were gay, or b) trying to dunk like Yao. And what's with the guy on his computer in the background? He really had to study and didn't have time for the lip sync extravaganza? Anyway, it's hilarious.
But the funny thing is I didn't find it on Jason's site. No sir, a guy who I used to be in grad school with who I have not seen since June sent it to me this morning. I never talk to him, but periodically he sends me really random forwards. Usually they are funny, though I often wonder why they make him think of me. But I appreciate the occasional, well thought out forward. Generally, I hate fowards. Especially the ones that say "Send this to ten strong women in your life" or some other pseudo self-help bullshit. And I have a friend who loves to send silly pictures of animals. And we all still have that friend who wants us to sign a petition to save sex slaves in Cambodia or whatever else. People don't think these things through. They just send them to everyone in their address book. But in this case, I feel that this guy is only trying to send me things I will enjoy. And this one was so funny I passed it on, but only to the three people I thought would really appreciate it. I mean, not everyone thinks Chinese lip syncers are funny. But I bet you will. So, if you must forward, please do so responsibly.
Yesterday one of the student hourlies here asked me how old I was. So of course I had to ask her how old she thought I was (she's 19 when perspective on age, and everything else for that matter, is a little screwy). She said she asked Eric (the computer guy) so she knows how old he thinks I am. First of all, I think it is hilarious that rather than ask me she asked him. I'm not scary. So I asked her what Eric said. "Well...um...I think you're YOUNGER than he said. Because, well, he said that you were, like, um....close to thirty? But I think you're like 27." That's hilarious. First of all, she felt bad telling me someone thought I was almost 30 because to a 19 year old that is the worst thing that could happen to a person. But I also think it's funny that she thinks 27 is considerably younger than almost 30. Anyway, I will be 30 in a few weeks so I broke it to her gently. But then she told me she thought I was cool, and I figure, if you're going to be 30 you might as well be a cool 30.
Yesterday the woman who works across the hall from me came in with 6 stitches in her forehead as the result of an unfortunately close encounter with the car door. After listening to her for 2 days, I would say the only thing worse than cracking your head open on the car door is having to tell everyone and their cousin the story. And In a close third, it's listening to the 50th person ask the woman across the hall "what happened to your head?" oy vey. Fortunately it's the weekend. Have a good one.