is it just me?

Thursday, November 03, 2005


nothing special

Normally, stereotypes=bad. But sometimes, stereotypes=okay because stereotype=true. The case I am referring to here is asian women drivers. I apologize if I have any asian women readers who are good drivers. But for the most part, this is a true stereotype. I have no idea why, though I wonder if it is that too many of them don't learn to drive until they are older which always makes for worse drivers. A good friend of mine growing up's mom was one of the worst drivers ever. I knew this long before I knew how to drive. And then I found out much later in life that she didn't learn to drive until she was in her 30s. I don't know why, that' s just how it was. Now, she was German, but I really think that learning too late in life thing is part of it. Because you get good at driving when you're young and too stupid to be scared of what's going on. But if you learn later and realize that driving is dangerous you never get good. Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.

My new yoga instructor is named Erin. She's not nearly as drugged out as the last girl. In fact, Erin is a kind of perky yoga instructor. But not too perky. I like her. But for me, she doesn't exist outside the yoga studio. I mean, that's the only place I ever see her. She's there when I get there and she's still there when I leave. Not that I really think she lives there, but still. So yesterday I saw her on the street and she recognized me and said hi and it freaked me out. Partly because it was weird to see her on the street. I only recognized her because she was still in her yoga teacher outfit. (And I will tell you this - if I looked like her in my yoga outfit I would wear that thing everywhere.) But also because she recognized me. For some reason in my mind I am invisible to people, even though I know who they are. For example, I recognize all the regulars on my bus. Sometimes I will see them somewhere else, and think - "hey, that's the lady that gets on by the golf course". But I always assume that they are not paying attention and have no idea who I am. But one day this summer I was in line for some food and a lady from my bus was in front of me. She saw me and said "Hey- bus lady!". Ha. So apparently for other people on my bus I am bus lady just as they are bus lady for me. For some reason I find this mind boggling.

nothing funny has happened to me in days. believe me, it's sadder for me than it is for you.

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