From the holiday thank you note:
"Thank you for being one of the first 2 million of us crazy enough to say America won't stand for global AIDS and stupid poverty. And thank you to the people who joined campaigns in other countries to make their governments come to the table and do more for the world's poor."
And in conclusion:
"Beating AIDS and extreme,
stupid poverty, this is our moon shot. This is our generation's civil rights struggle, our anti-apartheid movement. This is what the history books will remember our generation for — or blame us for, if we fail. We can't afford to fail nor will we."
In summary, AIDS:bad, poverty: stupid.
What does that mean 'stupid poverty'? And who decided to adopt it as their catchphrase? Perhaps it was some misguided notion designed to appeal to MTV kids or something, but it really doesn't come off sounding very intelligent. Stupid poverty - you ruin everything! The message was accompanied by a very cheesy picture of Bono that my husband thought looked like a Sears portrait.
Speaking of Christmas cards, although I don't send them I love to get them. Especially the ones with pictures. So some old friends of my in-laws sent us theirs. They have two adult children, but still send a photo card. It was sort of a montage. There was a photoshopped picture of the mom and one of the daughters surfing, and a picture of the dad in a Hawaiian shirt. And then there was the other daughter. In her bathing suit, with her boob featured somewhat prominently and her thighs looking extremely unflattering. I looked at it and thought "dear god, how did that happen." Surely she did not approve this edition of the card. She cannot possibly have looked at that photo and thought "Yes! That's the one to send to everyone mom and dad know! It's perfect!" But how can her mother possibly have done that to her without asking? Does she not love her? What? I mean, in group photos some people often end up looking less than their best. But this photo is just her. Scantily clad. Looking unfortunate. All I can say is that if that were me, my whole family would be dead now and I would be going door to door across the country taking all the cards back and burning them ritualistically, while vowing to get in shape.
potluckyI hate potlucks. I don't like to bring things, I don't like the weird selection, the mismatched tastes. But here in Wisconsin, people loooooove potlucks. They have them for everything. They even have potluck weddings. So tomorrow at work some crazy lady suggested we have a building potluck. We're all supposed to bring something and eat down in the conference room. I cannot think of anything that sounds less appealing than this. (Well, okay, if forced, I can.) But why? Why must we engage in some forced, weird camraderie only because Christmas is near? And why a potluck? Can't we all just pay $5 and order some pizzas? One lady is bringing meatballs. Another guy is bringing some sushi-like product that involves seaweed, rice, and wasabi but no fish. And that, in a nutshell, is what is wrong with potlucks. Not only am I supposed to figure something out that can be cooked tonight and tasted good at 11:45 tomorrow morning without being reheated, but then I am supposed to stand around and make awkward conversation while eating meatballs and sushi. No thanks. I think I'm busy.