is it just me?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


when do you know you've seen it all?

Yesterday, I was in step class. We had just come back from a little break, were starting to learn something new and I hear talking behind me. This is unusual, people don't usually talk in class. One because you are exercising and therefore perhaps a bit winded, and two because you are learning step combinations which require you to pay fairly close attention to both the teacher and your feet in an attempt to avoid total public humiliation. Anyway, I definitely hear talking. In Chinese. So I turn around and there is a woman talking on her cell phone WHILE DOING STEP. And I thought "now I have really seen everything". I have gotten kind of used to seeing girls on cardio machines on their phones. And I have almost recovered from the "talking on a cell phone while riding a scooter without a helmet in traffic" incident that I witnessed. But in a group aerobics class? It was good she was talking in Chinese because at least we could pretend that maybe, just maybe, she was doing something that absolutely could not wait, like renegotiating a hostage treaty or something. Better than us knowing she was just trying to find out what time the O.C. is on. But seriously. Hang up your fucking phone, or get out of the room. Honestly.

But although I thought I had seen it all, I was wrong. Because later that night, I witnessed the President of the United States WINKING during the State of the Union address. That's right. He looked at his poor pathetic pawn, the wife of some guy who was killed in Iraq and was planted in the audience for a good old fashioned feel good moment, and he winked at her. Now, I will be honest. I hate the President. I find him smarmy, smug, and generally unenjoyable. And I think he's making a real mess of things. But no matter what you think of him, there is absolutely positively no excuse for winking while making the State of the Union. None whatsoever. And now I have really seen it all. Until tomorrow.

Walking back from yoga today there were two guys walking behind me. One says "On a campus with basically no diversity, it's amazing how many different kinds of people there are." God I love undergrads.

Upon my return to my office I had a message from Erykah Badu offering me "Top of the Line WIN XP Software". I mean, I knew things were a little rough on her career when she realized that no one could recognize her without her giant turban, but I was a little surprised to find out that she has been reduced to selling software through the internet. Poor Erykah. I always thought she had a nice voice.

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