So, I meant to send this post before I went to Costa Rica to see my friend get married, but it just never happened. So here it is, somewhat out of date.
First of all, I know the Olympics are over now and we all already forgot that they happened, but what the hell was with those skating outfits? I mean, honestly. That one guy from the U.S. who lost because he missed the bus? That was the craziest thing I have ever seen. I don’t know why the men can’t come up with something a little more appropriate. And the colors are so ugly. I’ll be the first to admit that a spandex jumpsuit is a tough starting point. But couldn’t you just make it plain? Do you have to make it flashy and spangly and weird? Why?
So, then there’s snowboard cross. At first I was opposed. It was a little too X-Games comes to the Olympics for me. But, then I realized: it’s pretty fun to watch. So then there was the whole thing where the girl hot dogged and crashed and lost the medal and people made a big deal but you know what? That’s what happens when you let 20 year old snowboarders go to the Olympics. Let’s face it – they are not figure skaters. So we shouldn’t expect them to act like that. At least she felt dumb about it. Who cares. I’m over it. I bet she is, too.
So, for some reason a couple of weeks ago I was watching Wheel of Fortune. Man is that depressing. The people that go on there are really some sad stories. Not all of them, I’m sure, but a lot of em. So you know how they ask you what you do? This one guy said he was “between opportunities”. Don’t you think they could have figured that out in the pre-interview and not asked him? Seriously. Ask him about his kids or something. And then there was a guy on there in a wheel chair who couldn’t spin for himself but he brought his brother to spin for him. They were very clear, though, that the brother couldn’t help him. Don’t you think you would just pick a different game show that didn’t involve physical activities? How about Hollywood Squares? Deal or No Deal? It made me feel sad. I turned it off after one puzzle.
Speaking of things that make me feel sad, I was volunteering at the radio station (again) and there was this over-sharing shift leader. So it was kind of slow and she (along with the rest of us) was surfing the internet. Except she was on looking at profiles! In the middle of the room where we could all see her screen. She’s probably in her 40s and has kids and I don’t question her right to look around for her match, but do you really want to do it in the middle of a room of people that you don’t know that you are supposed to be ‘in charge’ of? I don’t think so.
There’s a radio station in town that plays quite a crazy selection of songs but the thing that I like is they play songs that were seriously overplayed 10 years ago but then you haven’t heard them since. For example, I was in the car the other day and heard “WHOOMP! (There it is)” and I thought – it is so, so easy to see how that song got so popular. I thoroughly enjoyed it. You should all listen to it. It will make you nostalgic for the early 90s. (Well, maybe, but you’ll enjoy it nonetheless.)
I am getting kind of sick of hearing about the lady who got a face transplant. I mean, I’ll admit that it is kind of miraculous that they can give you a new face. And I am happy for her, to the extent that I give a shit. But now that she’s out there telling her story, and we all know that basically her dog ate her face off when she was passed out on sleeping pills, I find the whole thing a little less compelling. I mean, can’t we find someone who lost their face in a more noble fashion to get a new face? I don’t mean to be hateful, but really. Basically she tried to kill herself and then her dog tried to kill her and we’re supposed to be happy she got a new face? And she still smokes. Excellent.
My last random rant for today is – have you seen Mena Suvari lately? I don’t know how old she is, but she had that old husband for a while and she was dressing like she was 40. Then she got divorced and now she’s dating (I am not making this up) a professional break dancer. First of all, I didn’t know that was a profession. And I think he’s like 23. Apparently she had an “I’m-not-midlife-so-why-am-I-acting-like-it” crisis. Good for her. She needed that. Now, I am not sure if it can save her career, but it’s worth a try.
Okay, soon I will tell you about Costa Rica.