is it just me?

Thursday, April 27, 2006


celeb watching, etc

don't look now, but someone at E Online has gotten a sense of humor. Here, excerpted without permission straight from the First Look New section:

BAD DOGG: Snoop Dogg and five associates arrested at London's Heathrow Airport after a fracas that reportedly left seven police officers injured. Apparently, there was some misunderstanding as to what the rapper meant by "fizzle clizzle."
CODE CRACK: The judge who presided over the The Da Vinci Code copyright case reportedly inserting a secret coded message into the text of his ruling, reading "smithcodeJaeiextostpsacgreamqwfkadpmqz," according to the lawyer who discovered it. Per E! Online's crack team of code breakers, the message roughly translates to "Nobody loves me. This is a desperate cry for attention. Anybody out there?"

Haha. They've actually started making fun of celebrities and that makes it so much better. And no, I am not sorry to admit that I read news on E Online. How else am I supposed to feed my pop culture obsession? I certainly won't be learning anything at work, where a lady said to me just two days ago "Wiscolizard. You watch tv. Have you heard of something called American Idol?" I explained it to her and she said "Oh, it's a singing contest? It sounds boring." Which it is. But suffice it to say that people here are not on the cutting edge of what's new.

Yesterday at yoga at the end of class the teacher said (as she says everyday) "Namaste, which means the divine light in me sees and recognizes the divine light within you." Which I say means basically namaste does not translate. Recently in yoga a young couple has been coming together. This is fine. They lay their mats close to each other. It's kind of cute, really. Until yesterday when I was supposed to be meditating and instead I was looking around the room and I saw them holding hands. While meditating. For pete's sake. Can't they take an hour off from being in love to focus on inner peace? The bad news about yoga: I can't really bend forward any more. The good news: I can still balance on one foot. So, I've got that going for me.

This weekend I saw "Thank you for not smoking" that new movie with Aaron Eckhart and mom of the week Katie Holmes. My review: funny, but not as funny as I thought it would be. I enjoyed it, but did not love it. In an interesting twist, however, after just discussing High Fidelity, there was Dirk the record store worker guy. I think that's the first time I have seen him since HF but now I know why: he appears capable of playing only one character. And Katie Holmes plays a reporter who supposedly seduces Aaron Eckhart and gets him to tell all kinds of secrets while thye're having sex and then reports them. This is about as hard to believe as it sounds like it would be. She will not be receiving an oscar. Thank god.

Jason Mulgrew said that he reviews blogs that he linked to and got rid of hte ones that were not up to par. I was immediately filled with dread, but you will all be glad to know that I made the cut. I am still on there, self esteem intact. Phew.

Remember crazy bus lady? the one who talks about her dog all the time? Well, I see her in the morning sometimes at this park where you can have your dog off leash, but only until 7:30. It's close to my house so I walk over there and let the dog play. Anyway, we always leave at the same time, and go in the same direction. But at the same point each time, she starts to go another way. Now, this is fine, except for she could walk in my same direction for another block. And although I don't really enjoy talking to her, she comes with her neighbor and her neighbor's dog, and that lady is nice to talk to. But even if neighbor and I are mid-conversation, CBL will go this other way, dragging her companion with her. Even this is within her rights, she can walk however she wants. But EVERY TIME she says "Sorry, apparently we're going THIS way" or "Calvin says we have to go this way". Implying that her dog chooses the route, and she has no choice in the matter. I find this extremely aggravating. First of all, it's a dog. And it's on a leash which you are holding so really which way you go is up to you. And if you try to tell me differently I will say you have a problem. But also, she says it every day like it's a surprise, or a one time thing. She can't just get over it and say "See you later". No, she has to blame it on the dog, and make a fuss. God she makes me sad. The other day I saw her miss the bus. I didn't know what to call her.

I have a question, and this is important: are madras shorts coming back in? say it isn't so.

That's all I have for now. Exciting, I know.

Wait, Jason said he was thining his selection of blogs he links to? I missed that. Again, though, you were the only blog on his list that I actually like. It's been a while since I've gone through them, so maybe I should give it another look. I wonder sometimes what kind of traffic I get from being linked there...I don't have any tracker that tells me shit like that, and really most of the time, I don't care. Just every now and then, I wonder...
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