In November I went to a conference in Budapest. Through this experience, I came in contact with several people who work at the university that was our local host. Apparently, Hungarians really like to send mass email messages to wish you good holidays. Just after the conference I got a slew of emails about Christmas. And then of course came New Year's. And today I get a message from this guy who I barely met at the conference. The message has no subject, but the text part is:
Kellemes húsvéti ünnepeket kívánok!
Happy Eastern!
This killed me. First, look how ridiculous Hungarian is. Do not ever try to learn it. Everyone there speaks English anyway. Secondly, he sent this message to hundreds (literally, and not bcc'ed either) and spelled Easter wrong. Attached was this really bizarre picture of a sad looking begonia like the ones they have at the grocery with all these pieces of easter chocolate arranged. wait. Here:

Hey! Look at me! I figured out how to post pictures. Anyway, isn't this truly bizarre? What an odd thing to send to people you hardly know all over the world. I mean, he totally made that himself. that is not stock footage. But the real question is: why? I particularly enjoy the chocolate lady bug perched on the leaf. How artistic.
Today is beautiful. It's near 80 degrees. In Wisconsin. In april. It's making us all giddy. Of course, people start wearing shorts here the first day it's over 50, even though some people are still wearing coats, so absolutely every person feels that somehow they are inappropriately dressed. But, in true Midwestern fashion (in keeping with our total, consuming obsession with the weather) I walk in to the building this morning enjoying that it is 63 degrees and I am comfortably wearing a light jacket and the first thing someone says to me is "Muggy out there, huh?" Oh good lord. We have been waiting for spring since December we have one nice warm day and people feel the need to bitch about the heat. I find this so tiresome you cannot imagine.
There's this creepy guy on my bus who I have actually mentioned before but who you likely will not remember. Anyway, he's weird, but now I have noticed that I frequently see him sitting in the lounge near the deli that I go to in the medical school, staring in to space doing nothing. I don't think he actually has a job. I think he commutes to campus every day at regular commuting times with his backpack and then sits around all day. The other day he was sitting there with this other weird guy who was sleeping with a newspaper over his face. I see them together a lot. So I have decided that he's one of those people who's living a lie and has constructed this whole fake life and it's only a matter a time before his wife starts to figure it out and he will then have to kill her to try to keep the secret and he will end up on the cover of People magazine and I will say - see? I told you something was not right with that guy. If only I knew who his wife was I could warn her. Poor thing.
So I am horrible and catty and mean but is anyone else secretly pleased by the fact that Katie Holmes really looks pretty bad pregnant? And I'm not just saying that because I'm pregnant. It does not suit her. Ha ha. Maybe the little tomkitten will be a total troll baby.
So, it is 80 degrees and sunny and Friday (Good one no less) and working is pure torture. Hence, two posts in two days. Lucky you! And, happy anniversary to wiscolizard. I wrote my first post exactly one year ago today.