is it just me?

Monday, July 31, 2006



on a plane. quite possible the worst name for a movie ever. at least for a movie that's supposed to be scary. or is it not supposed to be scary? samuel l. jackson: what the hell are you thinking? I just can't get behind this nonsense. Every time I see the ad I think it must be a Saturday Night Live skit or something, but no. They actually made a movie named snakes on a plane. god help them.

the other thing I currently object to: pepto bismol deciding to actually incorporate all the symptoms their product is for into their commercials. Complete with people reaching for the appropriate part of their anatomy. it's disgusting. and what's worse is it totally gets stuck in my head. it's horrible. it contains the word diarrhea. nothing good can come of that. And I pity the poor suckers who are out in LA trying to "make it" and only managed to book a pepto bismol commercial. at least be in a commercial for something nice that people like. like food or something. not diarrhea medicine.

it's too hot here. I looked at the weather map and the whole country is red so apparently it's too hot everywhere. this weekend was really melt your eyeballs hot, and so I did nothing. I found a pool to swim in an I spent a lot of time lounging in the air conditioning. And that was funny for a while but I am ready for the heat to be over. It was 85 degrees at 10 pm, and 80 degrees at 7 am. I do not live in Texas. Our payback for seven months of winter is supposed to be some semblance of nice weather in the summer. But no. This is boring. Let's move on.

I have very little else to report. I am now less than two weeks away from my due date, so hopefully the end is in sight. If I were to go early that would be more than fine by me. If I go overdue god help anyone who has to interact with me because it is going to be UGLY. All those mean things I think about people and keep to myself? Not anymore. I think that will be just the time to share with them. Why not. I can then hide in my house with my baby for three months and by the time I emerge they will have forgotten. Or at least chalked it up to hormones and the heat. And pity the next person who says "how are you dealing with the heat?" or "still here, huh?" or "you look like you could go any second". Thanks. No one has said any of those to me in , oh, five minutes. Seriously. It's great. I love it. The more people who remind me that I am dragging my fat ass around work and will be until the end of the earth the better. Because really, I'm just happy to be here.

Maybe now you're glad I don't post so much. Boring, whiny pregnant lady. Keep it to yourself. But here's something: I don't really watch tv in the summer because I can't actually believe how bad summer tv is. However, I occasionally succumb mostly because I don't have much energy for other pursuits. So I started watching project runway. And I must admit I kind of like it. There's just enough bitchiness for me. And plenty of the characters are kind of crazy and hateable. And they make clothes, and I am sort of fascinated by the ability to dream up clothes and make them. So, if you find yourself laying on the couch on Wednesday eating bon bons and feeling full, check it out. Maybe you will like it.

Although I feel it would make me a better person, I cannot bring myself to spend $16 (for two) to go see Al Gore's movie about global warming. I will confess that I would rather see The Devil Wears Prada. Does that make me a bad person? Cast your votes....

I COMPLETELY agree with you on the Pepto thing. Who thought up that campaign, and who approved it? Terrible. We all know what it does. Those who don't know don't deserve it's healing qualities doing their thing for them. REALLY don't need the graphic interpretations of what the medicine should be used for. Christ!

And I wouldn't see Al Gore's movie about global warming if it was free. So I beat ya there, sista! WOO!

Good luck with the due date thing. My half birthday is August 8th...aim for that! It's always been a good day for me...
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