just before my aerobics class on Tuesday (is it soooooo dorky that I take aerobics? be honest!) there are a group of people that practice a martial art that involves very long sticks. they wear funny pants and take the whole thing very seriously. they look at us aerobicisers with a great deal of contempt. I will admit, following some peppy undergrad while doing pointless moves is definitely not the coolest or most exciting way to burn calories, but it works for me. someone makes sure that I don't get lazy and that I exercise for a full hour, and more importantly someone else decides what you do. it's brainless. anyway, the stick people. I know they think that they are achieving some higher level of being with their sticks, and that we are foolishly wasting our precious moments here on earth step-tapping, but seriously: get over yourselves. I used to do martial arts. while I lived in boston I kickboxed. not cardio kickboxing, real kick and punch a solid object kickboxing. we only sparred on fridays and that was my least favorite part, but really wailing on something with a solid right cross is super fun. And I'll admit I was in the best shape of my life (which is not saying all that much). But anyway, I get tired of the way they look at me and make a big production of putting away their sticks. So the other day a bunch of them were walking out as I was walking in and one of the women had a huge, serious, stick- shaped bruise right across her cheek. oi. that's a good reason to do aerobics. who's sorry now, stick lady?
I told youwe love the Packers. on my way to the gym today there were no fewer than 20 people standing on the stairs of the Hygiene Lab (which is located just next to my building and which I suspect is decidedly unhygienic) wearing Packer wear and having their picture taken. Some were in sweatshirts, some in jerseys, and one guy was in a Packers tie! You know when you want to try to have everyone dress in matching and you pick something like jeans and a white shirt, or some other generic garment that everyone has? well, here in Wisconsin you pick Packer wear. I dropped of Baby Lizard this morning and the only other girl in her class was wearing a Packer jersey for a player I had never heard of. heh. If we get Baby Lizard a jersey it will almost certainly be Favre. that guys is the Lazarus of football and deserves to be immortalized on the tiny back of my child. We were discussing not being able to watch the game last night and my husband suggesting bringin the kid to a bar with us to watch. the sad part is, I bet not one person would give us a funny look if we did. go Pack go.
locker roomsso, you know I am obsessed with locker rooms. my lesson from the locker room today is: there is no reason to wear saggy underwear. seriously, ladies, they make them in all sizes, including yours. there is nothing sadder than saggy deflated underwear, so if you are wearing some, get your butt over to the department store and invest in some new drawers. have some self respect.