is it just me?

Thursday, January 31, 2008


thursday again?

where time goes, I know not. let's see...

last friday I went to the urgent care clinic because I was pretty sure I had a sinus infection. I did, and it was excruciating, but I encourage you to know what the symptoms are because near as I can tell being diagnosed with one requires telling your medical professional that is what you have, and then they give you antibiotics. So, if you lean over and feel like murdering a small mammal because the pain in your eyes is so bad, then head on over to your doctor and tell them OW. So, that was fun. Anyway, I arrived at the clinic and someone there was leaving in an ambulance. Whoops. Apparently they blew the "urgent care or ER" judgment call we have all made at least once in our lives. Too bad for them.

The last time I was at urgent care was in August 2006 when I was 9 months pregnant. I had been playing badminton with some friends and on the way to get a short shot I caught the toe of my flip flop, fell on the ground (everyone gasped) and the next day my thumb was about three times its normal size and purple. I thought this was a pretty awesome injury for someone in my delicate condition. Anyway, I walked in and the receptionist looked vaguely terrified and was all ready to tell me I was in the wrong place. HA! Like I would go to that nasty germ filled clinic if I thought there was any chance I was gonna have a kid. Honestly. If I thought I was in labor would I be casually waiting in line? I don't think so. By that point in pregnancy everyone kind of looks at you like you are a freak anyway, but try going to a clinic. Turns out it was just a nasty sprain, and my thumb is looking pretty sweet in all the first pictures of baby lizard who was born just three days later. The other good thing was that they put two lead vests on me to take xrays and when they took them off that was the lightest I had felt in months.

I wish

I could suck at something as much as Eli Manning "sucks" at football. In the lounge at work last week two grad students were discussing the super bowl. One of them says "I can't believe Eli Manning is in there. Doesn't he suck?" And that, ladies and gentleman, is why it sucks to be Eli Manning. I know, I know his NFL career did not get off to that great of a start, but he was a first round draft pick. He is an NFL quarterback, making him arguably one of the 32 best quarterbacks in the country. And yet, skinny economists from Wisconsin sit around and talk about how he sucks because his brother and father are totally amazing and his brother now pimps everything possible thing on tv and seems like a super good guy. So, sorry Eli. I feel bad for you. And I wish I was as bad at something as you are.

still winter

just in case you were wondering, spring is not right around the corner here in Wisconsin. Yesterday school was closed because it was so cold out. Awesome. So, I stayed home with the kid and tried to think of ways to entertain ourselves that did not involve going outside at all for any reason. I know groundhog day is coming, but really no matter what that little chipmunk says (I know, I know, it's not a chipmunk) it is going to be winter for more than 6 more weeks around here. Do not taunt me. I have lived here long enough to know that some time in late March, just when I am thinking that maybe, just maybe, winter is almost over, it will snow two feet and THEN it will only be six more weeks until spring. Bastards. Some people say they don't want to live somewhere that doesn't have all four seasons, and while I agree with that sentiment I would like to live somewhere that the four seasons are of approximately equal length. Here we have two seasons: winter and August. blech.

I paid her to say that

So my current favorite twinkie aerobics instructor is a young woman named Jen. She's pretty awesome. I posted about her before when she asked if I was going to teach zumba. Anyway, now she is my extra super duper favorite because she was SHOCKED to find out that I have a kid. God bless her for that. Seriously, someone looking at me wide eyed and saying "you have a baby?" was so great. It meant that I still wear cool jeans and look relatively hip, things which young women assume automatically disappear the second you give birth. Maybe it's because I don't wear a giant t-shirt and some old soccer shorts while working out, or have a bad mid-length hairdo like all the other 'ladies' in my class. And while I am not sure I want anyone thinking I look like a college student (well, she did say grad student which may or may not be better) I was pretty freakin happy about the whole thing. That's how easy it is to make my day, ladies and gentleman. Tell me I don't look like hell. Seriously, that's all it takes.

guess Eli doesn't suck so bad now, does he?? go tell THAT to the geeks.
Can you believe they actually X-rayed my mom when she was 9 months pregnant to get a picture of me? That's how they found out I was breech. Ah, the 70s...I'm glad you got the light, post-lead apron experience.
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