is it just me?

Friday, March 21, 2008


march sadness

well, normally this is my favorite time of the (sports) year. I love the NCAA tournament. I think it is the best competition in college sports. However, for some reason, my heart is not in it. This is making me very sad. I don't know what's happened. Maybe the eight weeks of bracketology have taken the shine off the big show? Maybe it is that I know that the 'One Shining Moment' montage will be horrendously disappointing? In any case, I spent about 30 seconds filling in my bracket, made a lot of rash decisions that are sure to put me in the bottom 10, and I really don't care. The only unfortunate side effect is that there are several people here at work who only have any idea who I am because I usually do well in the pool. Though, I guess now they can come talk to me about how I am really sucking it up this year. I dutifully trooped over to a bar with a seizure-inducing number of televisions yesterday during lunch, only to realize that I 1) didn't have the energy to pay attention to any of the 987 tv's and 2) really didn't care who won. Alas.

On a bright note - the boss button on, where you can watch all the games. When you click on the button the game turns into an excel spreadsheet. haha. And this year instead of just random shit they actually have data (fake I'm sure) on beverages consumed during the tournament. At least someone out there has a good sense of humor.

I arrived at work this morning to my boss saying "I cheered really hard against your team last night, but they still won." Um...thanks asshole. Good morning to you too.

I would like to lodge a protest against non-basketball brackets however. Since everyone loves the tourney so much, it seems everyone is doing a bracket for something. The girls at gofugyourself (who I heart very much) have one for the worst dressed celebrity. My radio station has one for best album cover of all time. I think I am going to do a bracket for cutest kid at Baby Lizard's daycare. I might have to start with just 32. Do you think the weird kid's mom will be upset if he gets an 8 seed? Or deep down does she know he deserves it? That's me, just going around and making friends left and right. Haha.

the other sad thing about march
Despite the fact that today is the first day of spring (somewhere other than Wisconsin) it is snowing. And not just a cute little flurry. It is full on snowing. Hard. They say we might get 13 inches which has to be some sort of cruel, cruel joke. Thanks to Michele (and dooce) for this article which made me laugh. And while it doesn't make this snow any better, at least I know I am not alone. In fact, this winter they made t-shirts that say "I survived the Winter of 2008" as a benefit for Madison's new children's hospital. That's how bad it is. We made shirts. Now, I will not be buying a shirt because I am sort of hoping to have this winter permanently wiped from my memory, especially since I have no plans to leave this godforsaken state in the flyover zone. I am also opposed to "I survived" merchandise in general, given its heavy overuse in the realm of amusement parks. But I hope those nice hospital people make lots of money. Someone might as well get something out of this endless pummeling of snow.

manual labor
The world is graced with many lovely and elegant technologies, but winter (among other things) has given me an appreciation for things where the only solution is brute force. There are people on campus who have spent countless hours this winter smashing ice into bits with hoe-like devices and then pushing it out of the way. Because really, despite the six inch layer of sand and salt that is coating everything, the ice is not melting. And if it doesn't melt you have to get it out of there. In fact, lots of snow moving activities are quite rudimentary. But earlier this week I walked out to pick up some lunch, and the building across the street, which I knew was slated for demolition, was being smashed into tiny pieces. It was every five year old boy's dream: they give you a big piece of equipment with something heavy/sharp at the end and you smash the hell out of an entire building until there is nothing left. Apparently this takes days, and they are still at it. And I thought seems like there should be a better way, but in the end I suppose there isn't. Which for some reason I find oddly comforting.

well, fools, I hope you are having a better day than I am. I know better than to post when I'm cranky. Sorry about that. Happy spring!

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