is it just me?

Friday, March 07, 2008


a new spammer tactic

apparently all the spammers realized that the whole 'I have $50m I need to transfer and I need your help' gig was getting old, so here is something new:

"I am very sorry for you, is a pity that this is how your life is going to end as soon as you don't comply. As you can see there is no need of introducing myself to you because I don't have any business with you, my duty as I am mailing you now is just to KILL you and I have to do it as I have already been paid for that."

The message goes on to explain that I have to send $7000, then they will give me a tape showing who wants to kill me, then I give $8000 more and they won't kill me. Interesting. So, instead of paying you to send me money, now I am paying you not to kill me. A slightly more compelling argument than the last, but...well...not really. Though I thought the email 'killerofsoul@gmail' was a nice touch. since sometimes I do feel like email kills my soul.

watch your mouth
Very, very carefully apparently if you work for one of the presidential campaigns. This morning I saw a news clip that someone in the Obama campaign had called Hillary a monster, then said it was off the record, and then tried to retract it which, clearly, did not work. And just now I read a news clip that she had resigned. Whoops. I think this proves that perhaps my notions of entering politics are not such a good idea, since I have a tendency to not watch what I say, like, at all. But anyway, she's gone now. Which just shows that pretty much all politicians are ready to throw anyone under the bus at anytime. Anyone. Just ask W. And not that this woman deserved anything else, since having that sound bite all over the internet is not really what Team Obama is hoping for, but still.

meat science
Did you know there was a science to meat? Well, there is. Do you find that a little frightening? There was a note about someone doing something in meat science (once I read those two words together I got totally distracted) in a campus paper. So I started looking around, and there is an American Meat Science Association. And a Wisconsin Meat Industry Hall of Fame (perhaps you get in if you figure out how to make bratwurst even tastier?). I was somewhat disappointed to learn that it is not its own major, but just a specialty within Animal Sciences. I think it could be, since we have a Turf Management major, and meat is as interesting as grass. But, I am glad to know that there are lots of people working hard on the science of meat, even though I prefer my meat science-free. Do they write dissertations on the evolution of bologna? Is that where canned meats came from? So many questions. Perhaps I will have to attend a seminar and find out what it's all about.

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