Tomorrow we are headed to LA for a wedding. While I am super excited about sunshine, warm temps and palm trees, going to LA terrifies me just a little. I know nothing about the city and will probably be lost the whole time. But the truth is, I just feel like I don't fit in in LA. Which I don't. Let's face it, I am from Wisconsin now. And no matter how hard I try, I will not convince anyone otherwise in LA. I sort of imagine that everyone there is tan and thin and fabulous and quasi famous. And I have a job that is almost impossible to make sound interesting (maybe because it isn't all that interesting?). So I fear telling people about it at the wedding and their eyes will glaze and they will be looking around the room for someone more interesting to talk to (isn't ANYONE here an agent?!) but they will throw out the occasional absent-minded 'fabulous' to try and make me think that they are paying attention, which I already know they are not. And I will feel compelled to drink wheat grass shakes and eat egg white omelettes in an attempt to feel thinner, cursing the fact that I had to go to L.A. just at the end of the Wisconsin winter. Let's face it, six months of snow and cold are not exactly a recipe for looking or feeling your best. And so I will compensate for feeling out of it by either 1) talking too much or 2) drinking too much (which will lead to 1) ) and that's no good for anyone.
BUT other than the wedding where I will be forced to hobnob with LA types, the rest of the time I can just enjoy the warm weather and being outside. Baby Liz is going to discover the novelty of going outside without a jacket, a joy she has not known in many, many months. And hopefully that laidback California attitude will help us calm down from our real estate stress and just chillax and enjoy.
seven for someif you are familiar with high end denim then you know a brand called 7 for all mankind. I would like to point out that they are not for all mankind at all. First of all, they are only for the teeny tiny percentage of mankind that is willing to pay $150 for a pair of jeans. Also, and pay attention here ladies, if they do not make your ass look fabulous (and for many they do not) then they are not for your kind, either, even if you meet the first criteria. Because you know what? $150 is too much to pay to make your ass look big.