is it just me?

Monday, May 19, 2008


can't say I blame him

I think it is fairly well established here that I am not all that nice of a person. That's not really fair. It's not that I'm mean, I'm just very judgmental. And if I don't like something, I am not going to pretend that I do. And if I don't like you, I probably am not going to pretend that I do that either. Unless, you know, you're my boss or my loan officer (both of whom I actually like and therefore don't have to pretend which makes my life easier). Anyway, recently I have heard of a few people getting divorced, and while this is definitely too bad for them, when I heard my instant reaction is 'well, I certainly couldn't be married to them, so I guess I am not too surprised that somebody else can't, either'. Which is a terrible, terrible thing to think. But sometimes, you know, it is not that hard to see how someone was married to someone and they drove each other crazy and couldn't live in the same house anymore. I mean, we are all hard to live with. I think if you are totally easy to live with then probably you are not that interesting of a person which is no better. I admit, I am not sure I could be married to myself. Fortunately for me my husband begs to differ. But some of us are harder than others of us, and I think if you are being honest with yourselves you know who you are.

Anyway, one of the moms of another kid in Baby Lizard's class was in there having a heart to heart with the teacher this morning when I dropped the liz off. It was kind of awkward, as I am sitting there filling out my daily sheet and putting away diapers, sort of trying not to eavesdrop, but seriously: what the hell else am I supposed to be doing? I can't even pretend to watch the kids play because they are all at the table eating breakfast. Anyway, she's asking the teacher to call if the dad ever tries to pick the kid up when she hasn't said he will be doing so, and a bunch of other domestic drama. Clearly she is about to cry and I am just trying to get the hell out of dodge. And I feel bad for her. I mean, here she is with a one year old kid that now she has to raise by herself. And I don't really care for her kid either. He's not cute or funny. He has some skin affliction and can't eat normal food and is always crying. And I feel like if you are going to have to be a single mom and maybe try to meet someone new, you deserve a cute kid to help you win them over. Not some crusty problem child who most people are going to kind of not want to touch. (Yep. Going to hell. Just in case there was any doubt.) But seriously, moving on with your life when you have kids has got to be really hard. It is hard enough to meet someone new and pick up the pieces if you aren't trying to do that while doing one billion other things, including taking care of your kids. So, I feel bad for her. I do. But I can't say I find it shocking that someone else can't live with her. She seems like a miserable person, and hopefully for her it was some jerk of a husband who was making her miserable and is now gone, and she is actually much more enjoyable than I thought and will live a long happy life with someone else. Just not me.

I saw another one of the recent divorcees at a kid's birthday party a couple of weeks ago. I don't really know her very well, and haven't seen her in a few months. I walk up to the party and she says "Lizard, this is boyfriend Thomas. Boyfriend. Thomas. This is Lizard." Got it. He's your boyfriend. Congratulations. I wonder how long he will last being introduced as Boyfriend. Thomas. Because that would have me out the door pretty quick. I wonder if she's going brand him. Or make him wear a t-shirt that says "taken" or something. Good luck to that poor guy because that woman is a force to be reckoned with, and not in a good way. She's one of those people who likes to make you feel like a really deficient parent (and person in general), and all I can think is 'I hope you are saving up now for all the therapy your kid is going to need when she's older.' Yes, her child is very impressive and uses big words and eats healthy food and that other crap. But well and adjusted are not two words that will soon be uttered to describe either of them. eek.

that's all. That's a lot of meanness for a Monday morning. Perhaps I need to relax. heh.

Jorge says you are definitely going to hell. Which is pretty funny coming from an AGNOSTIC. Me, I'm just glad we have a cute kid and not a crusty kid. As long as we're on politically incorrect subjects, one of my worries about having kid #2 is what if it turns out to have Down's Syndrome? Do I really want to take care of someone who's stuck at age 3 for the rest of my life? Because I'll tell you, taking care of age 3 has not been a total breeze.
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