is it just me?

Thursday, May 29, 2008


it's still cold

despite the fact that it is nearly June. What a drag.

Anyway, I went to nice sunny Virginia to see my family, including all four of babylizard's cousins. She had a great time running around and playing with new toys and eating birthday cake (not hers) and all that jazz. In fact she had so much fun that the day after we got home she took a four hour nap. How delicious for all involved. Rather than do something productive like unpack, I decided to enjoy this Memorial Day indulgence by sitting in front of the tv and watching a bad movie in the middle of the afternoon. Because once you have a kid you don't get to do things like that very often. So, happy memorial day to us. Oh, and thanks soldiers. You are doing a great job.

how young is too young?
I have often wondered how long I have to wait until my child is old enough to walk the dog for me. I don't mean hold the leash when we walk, but actually go out on her own. I think I probably have to wait a long time. But the other day I saw something that made me realize there are so many chores I haven't thought about. While walking the dog, I saw a dad walking next to his kid who was on a bike. The kid's bike had one of those trailers that usually people use to pull little kids around. You know, they look kind of like death trap-y tents on wheels? Anyway, I thought it was strange to have one of those on a kid bike, and I wondered what she was dragging. So I caught up with them and peeked inside, and it was filled with six big bags of groceries! That's right, the kid was hauling the groceries home. While at first this seemed a bit exploitative, I then started to look at is as pure genius. You are saving gas, the kid is getting exercise, and you don't have to haul groceries! So, baby Liz is for sure not ready for this, but I think I need to get creative about putting her to work. While she is very good at throwing things in the trash she really isn't pulling her weight around here. Do you think I could teach her to do laundry?

bratty kids
Yesterday at the park I overhead a mom saying she quit teaching because she hated being a disciplinarian. It will come as no surprise that her children were very poorly behaved. Her child wanted to use a toy that mine was using, and he came up and said "get off!" right in my face. Needless to say, I did not. I also did not attempt to disguise my contempt for this horrible behavior, which had his mother suitably embarrassed. However, if you do not have kids, listen closely. If you do not want to be a disciplinarian, do not have kids. I promise it will end badly.

forced socialization
someone thought it would be a good idea for the staff here to go out to lunch together. it wasn't a good idea. we don't really have anything to talk about, so there are lots of long silences. it's sort of excruciating, and hopefully after today everyone remembered why we don't do it more often. seriously. we sit there and make polite conversation about people's garden projects and their recent travels. bo-ring. big time. on the upside, on Thursdays at the place we went you get a free mini sundae with your lunch, which almost made talking about someone's kitchen renovation worthwhile. Almost.

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