bad: burning your toast
worse: burning your toast so badly that it sets off the fire alarm and the whole building is evacuated
even worse than that: having someone send an email to the whole building telling them that it ws your burning toast that set off the alarm, and that the university is charged every time the fire department comes. email also included instructions for what to do if you have "smoking food"
worse yet: the follow up email that says that even though the guy hates this building he doesn't think we should burn it down, so we should just get a new toaster.
fun exciting times. fortunately I do not use the death trap toaster and therefore have not caused any fire alarms.
I'm your first friend!a totally random person from high school looked me up on facebook. She has no friends, and we have no friends in common (on facebook that is, in real life I am sure she is very popular). Weird. Did she go looking for me? How did she find me? And of course being friends has led to no meaningful reconnecting or anything like that. Basically I saw that she had no pictures posted and therefore I had no facebook use for her.
on another facebook note, a "friend" of mine on there posts some weird rant every day about the corrupted duopoly of our political system and how if we really care about anything we will vote Ron Paul. Who, um, isn't on the ballot. But we should shun the establishment and vote for him anyway! I don't doubt that Ron Paul has some great ideas but this guy is starting to sound like a real wackjob.
p.s. the election has me terrified.
how many chances?I received an email from 'Jackpot Chances' with the subject '12 chances at a new life!' Ten minutes later I received another message from 'Jackpot Chances' with the subject '112 chances at a new life!' Look at that - in just 10 minutes I got 100 more chances at a better life. I am totally waiting until tomorrow to see how many chances I have by then. I figure by Christmas I will be a guaranteed winner. So, do you think they had a meeting and someone said "I just don't think 12 chances is enough. If we really want to suck people in we need to give them 112 chances." Or perhaps it was just a typo. In any case, I still have to wonder who the suckers are who actually read those messages (for something other than blogging sport). I opened it and it said "Are you dreaming of being a millionaire?" And had a picture of someone sleeping on a little loveseat. I thought - hell, she doesn't need to be a millionaire, she just needs a full size couch so she can spread out and get some REST.