is it just me?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


two things

today is a lady in my department's birthday. They are having cake. YAY for cake. However, we have to go down there and sing. Bleh. For some reason I HATE singing happy birthday at work. Just the thought of it gives me hives. But I am in a real dilemma because I sure could go for a piece of cake. Maybe I will just move my lips and not make any noise. haha. Or maybe I will stand in the stairway until I hear that they have finished singing and then go fetch my cake. I'm such a party pooper!

nice outfit
So, you know how you see little kids and they are wearing some totally jacked up outfit of red plaid pants and a pink polka dotted shirt and some Elmo sandals? And you sort of assume that they were allowed to dress themselves, but secretly you think that the parents should be exercising a little bit more control? Well, I knew those days were coming, but I was not prepared for them to arrive so early. And I am sad to inform you that Baby Lizard has terrible taste. Really, truly awful. I have mostly tried to combat this by only buying her plain pants in neutral colors so no matter what she can only go so far wrong. But I get lots of clothes from other people so there are still quite a few rogue items in her drawer. Today she was wearing a bright but cute sweater, which was primarily pink and kind of busy. She really wanted to wear her ladybug pants, which are also cute but kind of busy and mostly red. I tried to reason with her and get her to put on a pair of jeans, but no dice. Now I realize why parents let their kids walk around looking like escaped mental patients - sometimes it is just easier to let them look crazy rather than fight about it. But, in the end I told her those two didn't look nice together and talked her into some black pants. Though, I felt kind of badly about it afterwards. Why must I be so vain?

My question is this - why do all kids like the brightest, loudest, ugliest clothes? How does this happen? I have no idea, but I think it's funny because in the end they look like all those Chinese grandmas who are still happy that they can wear colors and don't have to wear blue or gray all the time so they wear 17 different colors and patterns at once. Heh.

it's happening now so you can be prepared for when you need to tell her, "no, you cannot wear that leopard print miniskirt and that halter top." Where she'll get clothes like that, who knows. Probably some well-meaning gift from grandma.
Today Zachary left the house in an aqua and green tye-died shirt with bright yellow football shorts so I thought of this post. He was quite something and very proud of himself. We just wore our sunglasses. Where have you been?!
Oh the clothing topic. I don't even want to explain some of the outfits Kaelyn has left the house it. Completely embarrassing. I'd like to make a permanent sign for her to wear advertising that she now dresses herself. (or in some cases daddy dresses her... pretty much the same as her doing it herself. Which is very surprising because he is a totally metrosexual.)
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