is it just me?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


there's a new baby lizard in town

which means not much posting. not for lack of time, so much, but when your life consists of sitting home all day with a tiny alien that just eats and sleeps it's really not that interesting. I can tell you that tv during the day is really horrible. I mean, truly awful. Though, I insist on watching Martha Stewart just to make myself feel bad about my total lack of holiday craftiness. In fact, as proof that I am a totally broken mom the one big present I was going to get for baby liz #1 I finally got around to ordering and now it won't be here in time. Good job, mama. Seriously.

Want to know why having a baby in December in Wisconsin is a bad idea? Because on the day you are supposed to go home from the hospital there will be a huge snowstorm. And then it will get so cold that it sounds like your house is going to shatter into a million pieces, and just when you are contemplating actually leaving the house you will realize that it is 13 degrees and snowing and you will think "fuck it. we can use dish towels as diapers if we have to." and you will promptly sit your butt back on your couch and watch some bad tv show with a baby attached to you. good times.

awww, sweetie. If you want me to express mail you some diapers I'm happy to do it. and I'd seriously considering either investing in more cable or renting movies from Netflix. I watched two entire seasons of Sex and the City when Gabriel was an infant.
oh, the memories - I watched martha every single day during my maternity leave. by about 4 pm my butt would actually feel tired from spending the day basically in the recliner in front of the tv. boring, yet not relaxing or fun at all.
Congrats on the new baby! I do not know how people function in Wisconsin in the winter to begin with, let alone with a baby, so props to you. I wish I had some morning TV suggestions for you, but Netflix sounds like your best option. You could get sucked into 24 like I did, though you might forget to tend to the baby.
Yay! Congrats! I hope you guys have a wonderful time snuggling and getting to know each other. WOO!
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