is it just me?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


dude, I'm telling you.

I have further proof that Wisconsin is a stand in for all things random. I am reading the book It Sucked, and then I Cried by the lady who writes I just started and it's okay (not nearly as funny as the David Sedaris book I just finished which you all should read asap) but she's talking about naming her baby and says she doesn't want to give it a name that "some baby in Wisconsin could have". I am not even sure what that means, but once again poor Wisconsin appears in a light that cannot really be considered favorable. alas.

awww, that makes me sad. What's wrong with Wisconsin, dammit? I think Heather Armstrong is one of those folks who conceives of the Midwest as that blurry flyover zone...
well i heard that babies in wisconsin are named things like "baby liz" and "el segundo." quite frankly, i think dooce has a point.
and I heard that people in California are named after insects.

I win.
low blow. unrelated - my word verification below is "smufflar." if i have a child, that is in the top ten of baby names.
word. guaranteed your kid will be the only one in the class named Smufflar. You can call him Smuff for short.
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