is it just me?

Monday, June 01, 2009


feeling lonely

email inbox kind of empty? Well, just post that you have some free diapers on craigslist and watch the emails roll in. I did this, because I had some that don't fit el segundo. And truthfully, someone probably would have paid me $5 for them but it just wasn't worth it to me to deal with all that foolishness. If you offer them free you can just say come get them, and if you don't come get them I will give them to someone else. You don't have to count how many or talk to whoever wants them. But nothing brings on the crazies in an economic downturn like free diapers. So, they are gone. This caused me to be browsing craigslist, and that is a crazy place. I mean, do you really think someone is going to drive two towns over to buy your newborn outfit priced at $2? Or your Harley Davidson onesie? I'll tell you: no they are not. It's this bizarre combination of people selling things for super cheap and people who erroneously think they can make some real money off of the crap they have in their basement. And don't even think about not posting a picture. They trick you and post a catalogue picture but theirs is all faded and gross and ruined. You know it is, otherwise they would have posted a picture of the real one.

Yesterday our neighbors had out a stack of free stuff. There were these big foam puzzle pieces of the number that you can put on the floor like a mat. In a quick look, they seemed good. So we put them in the stroller, and the whole walk we were pumping them up to Baby Lizard, talking about her new puzzle. But when we got them home we realized that they don't really fit together into a mat, and the number 6 is missing. Baby Liz looked at them skeptically. She asked why the 10 is missing the '1' and where the 6 was. And then she walked away. She knows a shitty present when she sees one. It's funny, becuase she has started asking when I give her something 'new' whether I got it at a store. I think she is figuring out that lots of her 'new' clothes come straight from her cousin's closets or from a garage sale. heh.

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