is it just me?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


tiny triangles of deliciousness

I enjoy many foods that come in triangles, as they often seem to involve fried exteriors, but this time of year I am reminded of my favorite triangular delicacy, candy corn. I have quite an unhealthy fondness for those little tri-colored morsels. I mean, I love it. A lot. I could eat a lot of candy corn. However, eating candy corn is about as close as one can get to eating pure sugar. Perhaps Pixie Stix are closer, but really, candy corn is right up there. It is basically made up of nothing but sugar, and if that weren't enough it is then dyed suspicious colors, filled with things that make it stick together and last forever in a plastic bag (though its shelf life is never tested at my house) and that's it. In fact, here are the ingredients of my preferred brand (and you know I have a preferred brand): Sugar, Corn Syrup, Salt, Honey, Soy Protein, Gelatin, Confectioner's Glaze, Dextrose, Artificial Flavor, Titanium Dioxide Color, Yellow 6, Yellow 5, Red 3, Blue 1.
Titanium dioxide color? Yikes. But look at that, it's FIVE kinds of sugar, dye and chemicals. And yet it is sooooo tasty. So, I allow myself one bag of candy corn per year (the big bag) and usually eat it soon after Halloween candy hits the shelf because let's face it - I have been waiting a long time! The only downside is that I cannot eat it when Baby Liz is awake because she has supersonic hearing for any junk food wrappers, and eagle eyes for the packaging. And don't try to sneak one, because she will smell it on your breath and say "I smell something" and she is smart enough to know that what she smells is something very, very tasty and she will not rest until she has one of her own. And since I do not need my kid hepped up on FIVE! kinds of sugar at once, I eat them after she is sleeping. However, then mama is all hepped up on sugar. I really should not consume any sugar or caffeine after about 4pm. I can literally be lying awake at midnight and trace it back to a poorly timed fun size bag of m&ms I ate on my way out of work. Seriously. So, the result is I will be lying in my bed awake savoring happy memories of recently consumed candy corn for the next several days, until my bag runs out. However, it will be worth it. So, so worth it.

fashion forward? or backward?
as I have mentioned here many, many times, my workplace is not a bastion of good fashion. No, not at all. The only thing saving us from complete horribleness is the rare grad student who arrives with a sense of good taste. The other day I was walking down the hall, and one of said grad students was there in a pair of skinny jeans which actually looked really good (hate that) and a hip t-shirt. Blond hair, good accessories. Overall fashion thumbs up. Meanwhile, walking toward me was a new female professor in typical Madison chic which has a tendency to involve too much yoga/performance clothing, a heavy does of Merrells, the odd linen pant and some funky plastic glasses. And as I sat there I thought, am I more skinny jean or boxy linen? And the truth is it depends on the day, but I fear there are starting to be too many days when I am very Madison and not enough days when I am still kind of cool. I do console myself with the fact that I am better off than about 70% of the moms (and that is a conservative estimate) at her daycare. However, I cannot let that be an excuse to head to the dark side of comfortable, functional clothing. So if you see me on an off day just say "wisco, have some respect."

wash your hands
I know, it's flu season. And it is going to the the WORST FLU SEASON EVER. And you'd better have a plan for what you are going to do when we all start dropping dead from the flu, because it is coming. And it is going to be the WORST FLU SEASON EVER. Dude, I get it. I work on a college campus where students sneeze everywhere and don't wash their hands and live in close quarters and lick each other spread disease like crazy. And my kids are little petri dishes who go to daycare and lick toys and their friends and whatever. However, if one more person/sign/website/whatever tells me to wash my hands I am going to lose it. Enough, people.

Though, when the IT guy (you know, the one who comes in your office and touches your mouse and your computer?) admitted to me that he doesn't wash his hands ever, I immediately went out and bough Computer Repair for Dummies in order to achieve self sufficiency. And when the host of a weekend cookout admitted he was getting over "just a touch of the flu" and was about to cook my dinner I was not all that thrilled. I am not stupid. And my hands are clean. Now excuse me while I go lick something.

Gabriel is totally with you on the candy corn.

As for fashion, I confess, I was one of the frumpy moms. Then I went to Brazil and felt really frumpy. Now I am making an effort, but if I ever decide to have another kid I can only imagine how fast that one will go out the window. I remember when Gabriel was a baby I barely got out of my pajamas.
My puppies are like that about the candy, except with popcorn. All I have to do is set out the pan, and then pull the popcorn bottle out of the cupboard, and they hear the rattle of the kernels and come running. To be fair, it is the one peoplefood treat I allow them to have because, well...its popcorn. Sometimes, when I lift the lid of the pan, it's not done popping, and then some rogue kernel pops somewhere in the pile of already popped kernels, and a bunch of them shoot out and fall on the floor. And then it's all fluffy and shit, so when I'm trying to pour it from the pan to the bowl, more kernels escape, and so they get those as well.

It's kinda funny until I go to sit down on the couch with my bowl of MY popcorn, and Jake comes over to stand on my leg and stare at me, licking his nose, and almost getting teary-eyed when I don't share from the bowl.

Oh, and I love candy corn. I haven't had it in years, and I think it's time to grab a bag.
Re: liking foods that are triangles. I like foods that are wrapped in something else, like burritos, dumplings, calzones, samosas.
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