so, not many people leave comments here. I like comments, so I was happy when today I had one. But it was a fake comment. Comment spam. Jerks. So I tried to get rid of it but I can't. I'm pissed. Both at the stupid comment spammer who wants to know if you are Alone, but also because I can't figure out why I can't see the delete comment option. I have just enough computer savvy to be dangerous, but not enough to be useful. it's sad, really. So now if you want to leave me a comment you have to do some word verification thing which I only did because I couldn't figure out how to just delete. So now really no one will leave comments because it's a lot of hassle. stupid spammers.
So, can anyone tell my why those walkie talkie cell phones are better than a regular cell phone? I have never used one, but it doesn't really seem to be an advantage. Do you have to hold down a button to talk like with a real walkie talkie? It seems like people hold them away from their face and talk into them, which is not better than being on the phone. It really doesn't seem like superior technology.
While we're on the topic of cellphones, I would like to take this opportunity to remind all of you that it is impossible to look cool with a cellphone attached to your belt. Do not deceive yourself. It's dorky. In fact, it is pretty hard to pull of wearing anything but a belt around your waist. So be honest with yourself, do you really get so many calls that you need to have your phone right there? Guys will give the argument that they do not carry purses and therefore have nowhere to put their phones. I don't care. Put it in your pocket, carry it in your hand, or get a purse. Or admit that you are a huge dork. Perhaps people only do this in the Midwest. But if you do it, I will say now: it's not workin for you.
Yesterday on the bus there was a young woman wearing a t-shirt with a picture of a fried egg that said "the yoke's on you". I don't get it.
today is friday. yeeha for that.