well, I suppose I knew winter was here when on the radio the other day they said "it's going to be nice today: 29 and sunny". yikes. You know, it seems crazy when they say it, but today I found myself saying "it's pretty warm out" when it was 34 degrees. And the truth is, that in Wisconsin in winter you have to appreciate 34 for what it is, namely not THAT bad. And while I always feel pretty depressed this time of year about the endless months of impending cold, I am kind of used to it. It's going to be harder with a kid, that's for sure. Last winter I just zipped her into her little carrier inside my coat and she had no idea it was cold. Now, not so much. And no one has bothered to tell my dog that this weather is horrendous. Yesterday it snowed for a while, and then it started sleeting. Lovely. When this happens, I hibernate. I do not drive in the snow if I can possibly avoid it. Last night I was forced to go out with my dog who was so excited about the snow he nearly exploded. So finally I got to a place where I let him run and chase squirrels and he was so happy. Unfortunately for him, every animal with half a brain (a category which lamentably does not include my dog and apparently does include squirrels) was hiding somewhere warm so he just had to run in circles which didn't bother him one bit. I also do not shovel. That is why I married someone from Minnesota. He spent hours this morning shoveling the world's heaviest snow, and he did it in a t-shirt. I wish I was kidding. anyway, it's winter. the end.
On Friday it was cold, so I picked my dog up before going to get my kid so he could run around without my creating a popsicle baby. I came home and he could tell something was up. He sat there staring at me with one ear cocked back. Our 'conversation' went something like this:
dog: sayit sayit sayit sayit sayit
me: what's up buddy?
dog: sayit sayit sayit saythemagicword sayit sayit
me: do you wanna go for a ride?
dog:omigod omigod omigod omigod (running around like a madman) shesaidit shesaidit shesaidit
me: ride? (at this point just egging him on because it is really fun to make someone's day)
dog: *delirously running around trying not to pee in the house out of excitement*
and off we went. He had a great time, as always. And I thought: I wish I was as easy to please as my dog. I cannot remember the last time someone genuinely made my day. I mean, you say "oh, that totally made my day" but usually whatever happened does not make a whole day. A few hours, perhaps, but the whole day? My dog goes ballistic for shreds of cheese, the word ride, the word cookies, a bone, and any number of other things. And you know, the kid is kind of the same. She is still new enough to communication that when she asks for something by name (a rare occurrence) and it magically appears it still kind of amazes her. She also gets really excited about breakfast
everyday. By the time I get to her tray with today's delicacy (say, scrambled eggs) she is almost beside herself. Often she will go so far as to shriek with delight over a toaster waffle. I think I need to absorb some of that attitude from my dependents. In fact, we all do. Wouldn't the world be a happier place? (Though, come to think of it if someone cooked breakfast for me everyday I would be pretty effing excited. Though, I don't do shrieking.)
things I have been meaning to post
1. is it really true that cops have quotas for speeding tickets? I always thought that was baloney until on Wednesday and Thursday I saw four people pulled over and three other speed traps. It was November 28th and 29th. Coincidence? You be the judge.
2. People magazine gives me lots of blog fodder. From this week alone:
Apparently Dennis Quaid's trophy wife is his soulmate. How convenient for him that his soul's mate is housed in the body of a leggy 36 year old blond. If you were Meg Ryan (who if I recall was responsible for their divorce and briefly dated Colin Farrell - by the way where the hell is that guy? - so perhaps who is she to judge) wouldn't you be kind of pissed? They were married for a long time and know he's telling everyone that *this* is the person for him. I guess it happens all the time.
Valerie Bertinelli says that after dieting persimmons are her new favorite snack. Valerie Bertinelli is a liar.
Note to the crazy Dutch kid who they keep arresting for killing that girl in Aruba: it is probably no advisable to write a book about the situation, and in said book say "Lying became a habit because it makes things so much easier." oops. Now that he is in custody again I bet hie wishes he could take that back.
Also, in the letter section, someone calls Katie Holmes out for her 5.5 hour marathon time which was listed in People as 'respectable'. Ha. No it's not. Now, I can't run a marathon but I think I could walk one (without training) in about 6.5 hours. So, if I practiced walking fast I could probably do it in 6, maybe even 5.5 So, the guy who wrote the letter ran the marathon in 2:36 (i.e. FAST) and called her time 'disrespectful to the marathon'. haha. Mr. Lizard has a personal best time of 2:29 (FAST) and he agreed that 5:29 is an abomination. This is reason #254 that we hope baby Lizard gets her athletic genes from her father.
with all that celeb gossip, crazy true crime stories, and general insanity, I do not understand why everyone in America does not read People. Trust me, it will make your day.
3. We do a secret Santa gift exchange with my husband's step family (don't get me started - yet another reason to stay together for the kids). I always get his grandpa. Well, I have had him three out of four years I think. The other year I got his step dad. This year I have his uncle (guess I hope they don't read this!) and on his list is an oil pump filter from some outdoor store. I am not kidding. Oh, with extra filters. I guess I will wrap those separately to build the suspense. Why can't I get one of the girls?? I might actually enjoy shopping for my sister in law or step-aunt-in-law (haha). Oh well, maybe next year.
I need to get a notebook. I had more things but I forgot them all. oh well. another day.